Price Match Guarantee & Book Direct Benefits | La Playa Hotel

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From our lowest rate guarantee and exclusive promotions to flexible cancellation and reservation support, it pays to book direct.

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View of the outside of La Playa Hotel Carmel

The lowest price, always

Price Match Guarantee

Our Price Match Guarantee is available when a lower rate is found on a public website with the same stay conditions*.

To be eligible for our Price Match Guarantee, our Reservations Specialists will need to locate and verify the live rate over the phone. We advise not to book the lower rate until speaking with us first. Our Price Match Guarantee will only be honored by La Playa Hotel’s Reservations Team who may be reached at 800-582-8900.

*View Stay Conditions

Stay conditions must include same hotel (La Playa Hotel/ Camino Real at Eighth Ave., Carmel, CA 93921), room type, guest count and dates of stay. Rate must be publicly accessible and available to book. Our Price Match Guarantee is not applicable to packages, special rates, group business or advance purchase offers. Price Match Guarantee may not be applied to existing reservations. Price Match is not applicable for all third party sites.

Woman drinking a rosé champagne

Offering Something Extra

Book Direct Benefits

We offer exclusive perks for guests who book directly by calling our hotel or reserving on our website*. Our current Book Direct Benefit includes:

  • A complimentary appetizer with the purchase of two alcoholic beverages at Bud’s at La Playa Hotel. To redeem, notify your bartender prior to placing your order.
*View Offer Conditions

In order to qualify, you must be a current guest and have a room reservation booked through La Playa Hotel directly. Direct bookings are reservations confirmed through 800-582-8900 or, without using an OTA or third party intermediary like Expedia, Priceline,, Agoda, Travelocity, Hotwire, etc. Please note, you may be asked for your stay confirmation email to confirm your reservation source.

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